Hotel | Venue Information: Marriott® Hotel Ventura Beach

Ventura Beach MarriottVentura Beach Marriott PoolVentura Beach Marriott BeachVentura Beach Marriott Shops


2055 East Harbor Boulevard
Ventura, California 93001 USA

Ventura is located about 10 miles N of Oxnard-Ventura Airport (OXR) 30 miles SE of Santa Barbara Airport (SBA) 60 miles NE of Burbank Airport (BUR) 70 miles N of Los Angeles Airport (LAX)

Third-party shuttle services are available from each airport ranging in price from about $40-70 each way.  A prior reservation is recommended.

As with all hotels in the area, the Marriott charges for parking.  The charge is $10 daily.

The hotel is located within easy walking distance from San Buenaventura State Beach and its associated park.  The Ventura pier is approximately 1 mile north just off the beach.  The pier is the longest wooden pier in California.  Downtown Ventura and the Santa Buenaventura mission (for which the city is named) are just inland of the pier, about 2 miles from the hotel.

Hotel Reservation Link
Phone:  1-805-643-6000
Fax :  1-805-643-7137

» Website

BANQUET:  The banquet will be in San Buenaventura State Beach Park within walking distance of the hotel.  We will enjoy a cook-out near the beach while the sun sets into the Pacific ocean.

A jacket or long sleeves are recommended for the dinner since the average low in May is 53°F.

Extra banquet tickets are available for purchase (see the registration site).

» Click here to learn more about the San Buenaventura State Beach Park.


Things to do in Ventura, California

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Last updated: Monday, April 25, 2011 11:33 AM